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Ed Smith



Return to Rendlesham and more is an apt title for this long awaited article. Why? Many more events occurred aside from the original post-Christmas sighting in 1980. This article culminates a 4.5 year investigation into what really happened in the Rendlesham Forest Incident that began with a multitude of military, police, and other professionals who diverged to meet in the forest on the first night on December 26, 1980. Did they perform this action on a whim? No. Did something really happen? Yes. And, there were numerous witnesses attesting the fact.

Subsequently, many books have been written regarding sightings at RAF Bentwaters from December 26-28th of 1980. However, the politics and variations of a theme have continued up to this date of publication. The object of this article is to bring to the public events that also occurred in the area during this time, as well as, well after 1980. Previously, occurrences transpired well into the 1990s. In fact, Rendlesham, surrounding towns, and near some RAF bases are considered still active, according to Jon and others.


The first time this writer visited Rendlesham and RAF Bentwaters in April of 2016, it became an awe inspiring experience. The Rendlesham Forest Incident is considered one of the top ten UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) event locations on earth. One of the more recent acronyms used is UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena).

Initially, the research was a light recounting of the events with a 'neighborhood effect' of the aftermath of the United States Air Force leaving the town of Rendlesham, as well as, an area tour that included Bawdsey, Shingle Street, Orford Ness, and a few other locations. We will briefly recount this in what follows before jumping straight into some incredible interviews and striking GPS (Global Positioning System) evidence derived on site.

These are subjects covered in the image (above) of subsequent research discussed in Return to Rendlesham and More with the following Jon and Dermot interview in Part 2.

In this article, we delve much deeper into area events over the years, as pointed out in the above image. Suffice it to say, military history is rich in East Anglia; from past wars through even the cold ones.

RENDLESHAM REVISITED                                                                                

The return included a visit to the 'South Gate' where Larry Warren had claimed he was stationed. The article was kept light-hearted, steering away from the politics and various antics that followed. I found the history of the little town to be most interesting. Then, with a visit to RAF Bentwaters, matters became more complex and fascinating. The closed base tour will be covered later in detail. This author was allowed secured entry into areas now only visited by movie makers, directors, and producers.

The following activity over the last nine days is recounted with this caveat. The individuals, with whom the exclusive interviews were conducted, did not say anything about what their observations were. The recounting processes were consistent. None of the interviewees stated anything about aliens, extraterrestrial crafts, or other superfluous references to something they had observed. What they saw was simply unknown. They'd love to know what they saw and suppositions are always first to come to mind; however, each of these witnesses refrained from such rash assumptions.

Here is a link to the original article published in February of 2017:


Jon Marsden is a rather unique person past skywatcher whose heart is bigger than anyone this author has met, whether in a personal or professional situation. And, tried and true, over the years he is as honest as the day is long. Without hesitation this author thanks Jon for his countenance over the last 8 years.

Peter Robbins, a real friend now and always, mentioned Jon and gave me his contact information. That is how it all started in 2015. When I arrived in the UK in April of 2016, Jon was waiting to accommodate my stay, investigation, and research.

Immediately, meeting Jon was a positive hit. What was not fully known was he was an avid 'sky-watcher' with many other friends and acquaintances over the years. It didn't register, in the beginning. Yet, here, we learn more about the Essex guys and what they saw. They were seventeen souls strong during these remembrances of their encounters.

This author admits some culpability in making sure approximate dates of events were more detailed, yet for the nature of this section please note approximates given of September through December of 1997 are sufficient. As mentioned, more references to dates are given in Part 2 of 'Return to Rendlesham and More'.

Upon the return to England in April of 2019, Jon not only was there at the airport in Norwich for the pick up; we spent the next 10 days conducting research and a number of interviews. We drove over 1,600 miles and worked tirelessly for over 72 hours in total.


Simply, much of what has transpired since the original events of Christmas of 1980 is covered here. We planned very carefully our trips out to areas of interest. Also, we interviewed witnesses on-site where possible. Jon wanted the world to know not only that what had originally been written about the Rendlesham Forest Incident; he wanted the public to know what has transpired since then. The process to complete this article for publication in the upcoming book has been most tedious. The interview transcription does not seek to perfect the use of English; it is transcribed as it was spoken.

As for dates, some will be verified in Part 2; however, the events, which occurred Jon, Dermot, and other skywatchers occurred from September through December of 1997. There have been more encounters and events since this time and certainly since the encounters of December 26 - 28, 1980.

Therefore, without further ado, we begin with one and one-quarter hour interview with Dermot Curran, Jon Marsden, and this author.


The following is an almost exact transcription (with a couple of very minor edits) of our interview with Jon and Dermot's experiences while residing in the city of Rendlesham in the 1990's. It was conducted at a roadside restaurant's parking lot somewhere between Nottingham and Oulton Broad, England.

Jon and Ed traveled from Oulton Broad to this diner to meet Dermot who was traveling south from Nottingham to meet for the interview.

The diner shown above was our meeting place. The OK Diner is an American style restaurant. Its prices are reasonable and the food is quite good. Those traveling in England where these diners are located would do well to stop in for a meal.

However, the transcription of this interview literally left hair standing, at some points. The transcription follows next. To keep the original interview pristine, this author has decided to illustrate and describe GPS coordinates, photos, and descriptions in detail in Part 2.


As a tiny prelude to the interview, Jon, Dermot, and this writer finished a nice lunch before getting started. It was a cloudy day and the temperatures were fairly cool. Dermot took time out from his busy work schedule to meet us about halfway from where we started.


For those who think England (in the United Kingdom) is a small island best take a trip to see how truly large it is. Nottingham was a long drive from where we started. Notwithstanding, it is a beautiful country. It is a marvel to view such expanses of lush, open lands where the population is over 68 million people. Of course, many people live in the cities. However, the smaller towns that dot the landscape, are beautiful in structure, quiet, friendly, and historical in nature. That is where many others live. Please excuse the author's ramblings about how much he loves this country.



ED: Hello, this is Ed with Universal Digest. We are interviewing with Jon and Dermot about their experiences and sightings over a period of time that has been documented and verified. And, they have also appeared on certain radio programs. So, without further ado, here they are! (Please note that there are some text nuances edited for reader clarity.)


JON: I don't know really where to start with this, but the whole place Rendlesham, well, I'd say it is a really strange place. Events here he (Dermot) can attest to that. And, because it is a strange place, all sorts of rubbish are being spoken about it, as well. And, it is about filtering the noise and the signal. Because, as one of my friends says, you can go down to Rendlesham and think it is Grand Central Station for spooks and it is not the case. But, that's not the detraction from the area or whatever is going on, being a very, very strange place. Yeah. But, I think a good place to start, as Dermot mentioned a few minutes ago, is with the explosion of sparks we saw behind the Elephant & Castle. Now, let me describe this, it'll just sound like a sub-station or something exploded, but it blends into the story in a little bit. One night I was living on the old ESAF housing on the base, and um, a friend of ours had come around, I think it was Dave, wasn’t it, he’d come down from the Elephant & Castle pub in Eyke, just as we were pulling the car in…please step in any time…

DERMOT: I sort of remember them as being pale, maybe a slight yellow tinge to them.

ED: How do you spell Eyke?

JON: Cranky, something has gone bang. It was sometimes what one sees so there was nothing paranormal about that.

DERMOT: The windows were in the wrong direction so we didn’t hear any noise from it. It was some distance away. (JON) We couldn’t range that could we? (DERMOT) No.

JON: Because, um, the speed of sound is about 750-60 miles per hour…

DERMOT: It is about 4.5 to 5 seconds per mile isn’t it?

JON: Yep. That is what we were working it out at, um. Yep. So, a few days later, the neighbors who lived underneath my flat knocked on my door. And, they’d seen what sounded like the exact same thing coming out Tuddenham. This was several days later and they didn’t know what we’d seen so they were not reiterating what we’d seen. They said, Jon, we’d this huge explosion of sparks coming through Tuddenham so had you any idea of what it was? I said no and I thought uh, maybe two sub-stations had blown up. Well, so, fast-forward that a bit…and, we were down at the forest (Rendlesham) and um, at Firetrack 10 on a skywatch, trying to keep peoples’ feet on the ground, ‘cause there are people with all willing intentions think that ‘I want to believe’…I think possibly to the limit.

DERMOT: And, they take it and run with it.

JON: There was, um, probably about 13-14 of us at the top of Firetrack 10 outside Folly Cottage. And, one of those guys still was…

ED: Spell Folly Cottage, please?

JON: Folly, I believe. And, at the time it was pretty much I can understand was without power or anything and an older lady lived there. And, uh, there was a very well known researcher called Ron West; a very well respected old was long-range desert group…

DERMOT: Yes, it was the long-range desert group, um, when the SAS was formed from the long range desert group he was in that’s the reason before it was called SAS before it was (officially) SAS.

JON: (He was) not one of those guys in the pub who pretends to be the SAS, he was the real deal

DERMOT: Tattoos across chest…

ED: What is the SAS?

DERMOT: Special Air Service.

ED: Okay, thank you.

JON: Britain’s sort of Special Forces. So, Ron’s got his back to between Folly Cottage and fence outside where the runway was probably facing west-northwest(ly) from what I remember. And, I said, I noticed these bright, self-illuminating lights at a considerably high altitude behind cloud cover in and out. And, I said Ron, what on earth is that? Dermot is standing next to me. We are all looking at it and every time this thing would appear a fast jet seemed to be coming in over the trees, ah, what would that be, from the southeast, possibly?

DERMOT: Yes, from over the coast.

JON: And, this thing would shoot off. We watched this a few times…come and go. Then, a car pulled up with four people in it. And, they’d been come through Eyke. So, we tried to triangulate this thing. The last time we saw it, it turned an intense crimson, then vanished.

DERMOT: The chronology of it, as I remember, we saw the light, you saw the light first (JON). Then, you drew attention to it. And, it appeared to be moving very rapidly, like, um, like zigzagging very rapidly around. But, I thought is it just was my eyes zigzagging around keeping a light in the darkness in centerfield vision. So, I went to the fence and used fence and the fencepost as (JON: Oh, I remember that now, yeah!) a fixed point where I knew the light was indeed zigzagging around quite erratically, it seems.

ED: Generally, was the craft white, though?

DERMOT: It appeared to be white.

ED: Glowing white?

DERMOT: And, um, was just a bright light. We could see any structure, at this point. It was just a bright light. Then, I got a pair of binoculars (JON: From my car…), individually Jon and I, we both looked through the binoculars, and um went off and drew before we described it what we saw. We didn’t want to (JON: Cross-pollinate) am, influence unwittingly or otherwise don’t want to influence what we were reporting. So, we both drew like an elongated football. We call it a Rugby ball (ED: Very close, actually). It was elongated oval with a bright light at the center, uh and there were either slightly dimmer lights by the side or possibly if this thing was round it could be as bright a light, but you couldn’t see (JON: Like an ellipse at the distance, you see), yeah. So, you could see it was a dark structure silhouetted up against the um the lights from the town in the distance.

JON: It wasn’t pitch-black; there was just enough ambient light to make it out.

DERMOT: And, um, indeed, it was difficult to keep it in the field of vision with the binoculars held, because it was zigzagging around. And, as Jon said, quite right…we could hear fast jets and they were moving fast (Both: Yeah.).

JON: They were laying some power down.

DERMOT: And uh, we could see navigation lights on the jets. You could see the flashing strobes.

JON: And, I’d like to point out that the craft we saw or whatever the object was, the lights we saw did not resemble anti-collision lights, navigation lights, or any kind of…

DERMOT: They were not lights you’d associate with any other type of aircraft. And um, as this fast jet got closer to this object it, it sort of just zipped through the clouds. And, it was gone; just disappeared. And, we hung around for a little while, and ah, about 10 minutes or so. And then we took the guys from Oxford…

JON: Oh, they were with us that night. Oh yes, Oxford (DERMOT: Group).

DERMOT: Ah, and we went to show them were east gate was.

JON: Um, the old hangers that were up there.

DERMOT: So, as we were going through the forest, there is this flash in the sky, the whole sky lit up like with lightning. And, being on the coast you can quite often get storms coming from the sea quite frequently.

JON: I believe there are two flashes.

DERMOT: Oh, there was the flash first, and then, I can’t remember exactly, but there was a good while later there was the (JON: Bang) boom! And, it sounded like…

JON: You could feel the percussion on your chest. Big bang…

DERMOT: And um, and then, there was another flash, then again, the same sort of time gap and then the boom. So, we decided we would head back to um, he, where the cars were where we could get shelter when the storm came in. So, then, at that point we had 2-way radios with us to communicate with others who were wandering around…and, ah, there was a guy who was a Gulf War veteran. He had lost a leg (JON: Um, Peg Leg), and um he says, guys seeing what we’re seeing? And, we said, yes, yes, looks like a big storm coming in.

JON: By the way that was his ‘nick name’ not a derogatory name (Peg Leg).

ED: Do we mind saying this: You all were sky watchers?

JON-DERMOT: Unison, yes. We were on a sky watch.

DERMOT: And, (Peg Leg) no, we are looking west over the air base. And, uh, he said you got to come up here. We made our way as quickly as we could. There were no more flashes like this one. But, he described it in these details. He said it was like…it was like Bagdad in the Gulf War 1…and that is the only way I can describe it. There was an amber streak from the ground up into the sky; that is exactly how a missile launch is. I have seen missile launches and that is how it is. Jon and Dermot stopped to compare notes. They agreed and continued: Ah yes, it was a white streak that went up into the clouds and it was an amber streak that came down and it got to the horizon, there was a massive flash and a huge shower of sparks from an explosion, and it was a BIG explosion! And, um, it was the first flash and the subsequent BOOM we’d heard and he (Peg Leg) said then there was another white flash, a missile launch, what he described it as, a launch going up into the clouds followed by an amber streak that came down again, massive flash, raining showers and sparks…

JON: And, this is looking west-northwest from mem (memory), but the photographs we took with GPS tagged with the directions…will give you an accurate bearing on that. With the time Dermot worked out with the flash and the bang a good estimate was going to be approximately 20-25 miles. We worked it out to be near Wattisham; RAF Wattisham.

DERMOT: And, um, we decided we would hang around… (group laughing) …obviously, we’re missing everything, we going into the forest, and where these faults were slightly south, um, of where we’d first seen the objects, that’s slightly a few degrees south of the westerly view of where we looked, originally. And, probably about another 5 – 10 minutes later the white lights and as we looked through the binoculars confirmed it was these elliptical objects, again, was appearing further away because it was smaller and again a few degrees further south (JON thanked Dermot for reminding me of that) and we could hear the fast jets and there were two this time, uh, vectoring in from the south. Um, we could hear them, but could not see the collision lights because of the trees and so they got quite close to where this thing had been, but by the time they got there; again it had zipped up through the clouds and were nowhere to be seen. And, we could hear the jets loitering for quite some time. They were orbiting around and then, eventually, they went away. And, then the third and final time we saw this light, about another 10 - 15 minutes later and it was again further away. You could just only make out the elliptical shape even with binoculars at this point. And, further south it was like following a trajectory sort of west northwest to, um, sorry, east northeast, uh that sort of trajectory and stopping in between and doing whatever it was doing. And then, this time the fast jet must have been loitering fairly close because it hammered in straightaway. Then, this white light turned a dazzlingly brilliant magenta and it shot up vertically. The cloud cover was high enough from that point where it was that we could see its upward travel. It seemed to just disappear into the clouds.

JON: I’m glad Dermot’s here, you see, he is just bringing things back into clarity. You tend to remember things (as I said on the way up [to meet Dermot]) when people start to speak…

DERMOT: I’ve got an almost photographic memory, and, um, it is incredibly vivid memory I’ve always had…

JON: At no point did we mention aliens? At no point did we mention flying saucers. Yes, and in its genuine meaning, it was an unidentified flying object (to us) in its purest form. That is not to say that someone else couldn’t identify it as a perfectly terrestrial object or an airborne object.

ED: It wasn’t one of ours.

JON: But, it wasn’t to me. The guys in the fast jets might have said such and such, but...

ED: I am an experiencer myself; I’ve seen the same thing, especially when I was fifteen years old, identically to what you all are saying.

JON: Well, to the untrained eye, although, we tend to…what we did for work and stuff, to us, the observer, it was a UFO.

ED: Others may be rationalizing it. But, to you, it was an exotic craft that could produce things and actions that cannot be explained.

JON: Not by us. And, this is why I keep reiterating when we got in touch with the newspaper, at no point where we were coming from that angle.

ED: Right.

JON: At that particular time, there were so many things being seen above the skies of Ipswich, where I’ve given you some stuff from the newspaper took it on task with the I-Files and writing a lot of these stories up.

ED: I saw that load of…where they copied it from the X-Files…

DERMOT/JON: Exactly.

JON: So, we got in touch with them and the guy who came…I’ll refrain from saying his name or what his job was for uh, decent reasons, but he came and was very credible guy. And, he said he thought he was going to turn up and start taking stories about aliens and little green men, whatever. We weren’t going down that road. All we wanted to know is that if this thing had gone bang, then somebody had their windows put in or something over the Wattisham way. Does anybody know about it in the paper?

DERMOT: So, we read the write-up in the Evening Star…

ED: So, that bang you were sure that someone’s windows had been shattered?

JON: Probably, yes. Someone is going to know about this…

DERMOT: But, if it was some, um, a big enough boom being visible at that distance and for the sound to be that percussive, you could feel it at that distance, surely, it should have done damage somewhere. But, nothing was reported.

JON: Nothing else was reported, or maybe it didn’t make it to print.

DERMOT: Well, yeah, yeah. Nothing was printed on it.

JON: Apart from our story. And, they did, um in East Anglia they did a small article. Well, it was a fairly decent article on page 5, probably about a third of a page or so. And then, things started to take a turn for what I believe is something far more sinister than whatever we had seen or at least added to the sinister aspect of what was in it. Because, about two days later, um about one thing a British comedian had been taking the mickey at us at the Odeon Cinema, which I found a bit unpalatable, but there you go. Everyone is the butt of a joke somebody says. It’s one of those things, isn’t it? He had read the article in the paper and was making jokes. But, two or three days later there was this big fire at a major company in Felixstowe. It was eight fire crews involved. Now, this meant road closures to our major container port. And, for a local newspaper you’d expect that, quite logically for it to make the front page. It was a big fire that could have far-reaching implications for anyone using transport, shipping, and various bits and pieces. But, oh no, on the front page of the Evening Star of East Anglia (shuffling papers), I’ll find that out. They dedicated about an inch to the fire (all looking at documents), workers evacuated as blaze hits, etc. And, right there, the rest of the page was ‘The Truth Was Out There’. That story was acing an inch on a massive fire at a major container port.

ED: Incredible.

JON: Then, apparently, these two 11-year old boys with a torch (flashlight) behind cloud cover was their torch and they were about a mile and one-half southeast in Tangham Woods with thick, tall Corsican pine trees. The explosion of sparks was their barbecue and the incredibly loud bangs were their dog tied to a deck chair that had bumped into a pine tree…

DERMOT: The dog ran while tied to a deck chair and banged, collided into a tree and then the car door…and that was apparently what the two booms were.

ED: Who would have, well, I don’t need to know anymore. They were creating this article to explain your sightings and that was their answer to it?

DERMOT: Well yeah, it um…

JON: We are remaining on the side of caution. We are led to believe there were certain things happened that may have influenced the front page of that newspaper report that may have tried to diffuse something might have been sensitive what we had seen.

ED: Got it.

JON: Uh, Dermot did write a rebuttal to that, which they did, uh courteously write a few lines of…in fact, you (Dermot) did write two letters. One, they were so furious…

DERMOT: I knew it wouldn’t be principled, but I wanted to vent my spleen (laughing), so...

ED: Please share if you want. It’s okay.

DERMOT: I said that the um, ah it must have been a thermo-nuclear deck chair (laughing) and uh if it was indeed kids with a torch, they must have been members of the Maharishi Yogic flyers ‘cause they were looking at the horizon.

JON: They were looking to buy the base at the time…the Maharishi Yogic flyers and, um he said they must have also been astral travelers because they were completely in the wrong part of the sky. And, to check their own facts before they start to assassinate peoples’ character without knowing anything about them. So, let me be clear, absolutely clear. With this report, at no time did we mention aliens, spacecraft, or anything paranormal. We gave a very down-to-earth to use the term (chuckle) report about something that was happening about 25 miles away west-northwest(ly) and that’s how we got trapped by the local newspaper, which I think there might be more to that story in itself. So, that’s phase one with that.

DERMOT: Well, we’d been given a reluctant confirmation of that at a later date…

JON: …at a big meeting with several people that you know, but mention their names. I think they’d verify that if they remember the conversation because I was pretty, uh incandescent. I was self-illuminating almost, but there you go. So, that is that. Now, this doesn’t fit squarely with me and I don’t feel comfortable with this because that was just a prelude of many things that started to get very strange. Now, I don’t pretend to understand what it was and/or what they were, but it almost became an embarrassment of Rich’s experiences. And, Dermot and I stopped telling people because it was happening on such a regular basis. And, we’d gone down there with a pre-emptive sort of a not agenda, but with the idea to try and rationalize things and keep peoples’ feet on the ground and try and explain things rationally.

DERMOT: Yeah, we wanted to um, we both got scientific minds so we try and find a scientific and rational explanation (JON: Absolutely) to what was going on. Um, the sort of thing was what, look, it was a spaceship; no, that is a 737 going into…

JON: …into part of Orion’s Belt…

DERMOT: We were trying to help some of these people to take a step back and think about it, you know, thinking about what it might be.

JON: That was what we were trying to do. We didn’t want to disprove anything. We weren’t debunkers. Let me say that for the record. We weren’t debunkers. We were just skeptical thinkers.

DERMOT: I wanted to find out what I’d seen. I didn’t want to leap to any conclusions.

JON: We just wanted to rule out the irrational before we jumped to any conclusions. A good friend of mine, I like this term: He’s all for open-minded thinking, but not to the point where your brains fall out of your ears. And, you know, so let’s be open-minded, but let’s think about it. So, moving forward, as they say, um, there was again on a sky watch and we were going there with a couple of skeptical guys, in fact there were three, this Connan as well, where something could land on his head and he’d think it was marsh gas (ED: Chuckling). Yeah, he’s again very interested, intrigued, but he was very, very calm, calculating sort of mindset. We were parked at Firetrack 10, which Firetrack 10 goes down towards Orford and Capel Green. And, um Folly Cottage where is the other side of that. And, Dermot and Connan walked off down towards East Gate, it was, I think?

DERMOT: Um, yeah, past East Gate and down towards (JON: The next Firetrack) where the campsite is…

JON: Yeah, Dermot and Connan came back and said, Jon, come down here and see if you can notice anything. Yeah, I walked down there and he followed me a few foot steps behind, ah, to see if I went to the same place and the only way that I can describe it, and I described it and it turns out from a description of those guys as there was a pillar, the scent, if you moved forward or to the side it would disappear. It was a very localized scent. And, it, to me, and I said to the guys it smells of strawberries. Sounds comical, doesn’t it? Um, I’ll come back to this in a little while. But, it wasn’t just strawberries, it was a very chemical-sweet artificial sort of smell of strawberries, and I said it smelled of strawberry candy floss (US, similar to cotton candy), and, Dermot what would you say?

DERMOT: Well, first off when I went down there, I went down initially on my own, got to this specific spot, which was only, maybe, ah ten feet across. Um, at first I thought it was like toast, it was warm, it was a foodie smell, but I wasn’t sure what it was. And, so, I went back and when I passed that point I couldn’t smell it. Then, so I stepped back and then I could. And, I went side-to-side and only within this specific spot could I smell this smell. And, um, then it stopped. The smell sort of resolved itself in my mind and it was a strawberry smell. I was probably thinking of strawberry jam on toast. A jelly on toast…and, um, so, I went back and got Connan…

JON: And, neither of these guys told me of this, by the way.

DERMOT: And, I said come down here and see if you can smell anything strange. We got to the point and he said, yes, mate. He smelled the same thing as strawberry candy floss. And, I said that is exactly it. That is an artificial strawberry smell. And, um, while Connan was standing there doing exactly what I had done a few minutes before, which was stepping to either side at this point to see if the smell continued. I searched, um with a torch around this area to see if this maybe was a wrapper from some strawberry or candy sweets or ice cream or something that may be creating this smell.

JON: Somebody mentioned it was a herb or a plant that could do it, but there was nothing like that.

DERMOT: There was nothing like that. There was grass, a few clover, and then the pine trees. There is nothing else outside of the road. And, so I went back and got Jon, as Jon said, ah, we walked, got to the spot and instantly, we stopped and said “strawberries” and then, strawberry candy floss.

JON: And, this doesn’t sound, when you listen to this (to ED) it will start to make sense in a little while because things start to get really extreme, extremely strange. And, this just dovetails straight into it. So, a little while later on at night there was a car driving up and down past Firetrack 10 and Folly Cottage. And, we were at the top with the others and the more excitable types were theorizing it could be some sort of secret service (agents) spying on the sky watch. Lol, we are not that important, you know. Anyway, so, I thought there was one way to sort this out. I’ll get in my car and I’ll drive down there. And, oh yes, sorry (to DERMOT) one car had driven past and stopped at Butley Road and he was facing us. So, I drove my car (minor interruption to be sure audio recording was still active) to get some photographs so you can look at it yourself to get a Geo of the area location. So, the guy was facing us down about a half a mile (guess) looking down towards us. So, I get in my car and drove down there next to him…now, in England we drive on the left side of the road, a right hand drive car. So, I pull up with my right-hand window next to his right-hand window; driver to driver. I could tell you the type of car it was, a silver Manta GTE. There is a bit of detail. Um, and I said are you alright there, mate? He said yes, he was just checking up on some things down here and there was (curious) nothing. So, I turned the car around and went back to Firetrack 10. Now, Conan the very skeptical guy, he’s standing there and said Jon, what the hell just pulled behind your car? Chuckles in group: And, I say oh whatever. To Connan: I said what you mean by what just crawled behind my car? He described it; (to DERMOT) what was it, like an insect or something? You mean he was crawling or something?

DERMOT: He said it was like a praying mantis.

JON: I didn’t want to say that, but he did say that.

ED: It was like a 6-foot praying mantis?

JON: Not like it was small, but it was about…

ED: Three or four feet or something like that?

JON: Yeah, it was about like that. And he (Connan) said it crawled behind the tail-deck of the car. It wasn’t a hatch-back, but my back window is like the boot or the trunk, as you call it. I said, well, it was like a monk-jack or something like that. They are in the forest; little creatures like that. He said no, I’m telling you I had a clear view of it. He was very convinced and I was telling you how skeptical of a guy he was. Uh, okay, it’s strange I didn’t see it. To me, he had probably had saw it. To me, he’d been mistaken.

ED: (Joking) I see; a praying mantis exuding marsh gas...chuckles. (JON) No, that was Venus.

DERMOT: I was there with Connan and was walking off and for some reason I am not easily spooked, but something said to me don’t go up there. Just wait here with the cars.

JON: You see his size (DERMOT) around 6-foot 3. Lived in Northern Ireland and Nottingham and he doesn’t scare easily.

DERMOT: I, I, I was too frightened to go up there. I’m not afraid to admit it, I was scared. I thought I’d just stay by the cars; keep an eye on the cars. (Group laugh)

JON: But, unbeknown to us, the more excitable types, believe me, there wouldn’t be crossing; ah, there was no animosity; we all got on with them, but there’d be no way Connan would be swapping stories planting...

ED: So, it is ‘Co-n-an’? Don’t want to misspell it.

JON: Co double-n an. Unbeknown to us on the right-hand side, and I’m taking a picture of this as well (GPS), there is sort of like a ‘ditchy’ sort of thing along the road. And, they’d gone up there in all their combat gear and all that. (Mumbling comments) And, they had gone up to a car lot. They had gone in front of the car and they were looking down the road, so it’s the opposite way to Connan, yeah? They came back. We said oh where had you been? Blimey Jon, never guess what crawled behind your car? And they had described precisely what Connan had described.

ED: Oh, my gosh…

JON: And, they’d be really close. Now, okay. It’s dark, but perhaps something, uuum, did walk behind there, but maybe they’re confused, maybe it’s dark, whatever. You know. I honestly believe both of them were telling the truth. But, sometimes somebody’s truth may not be an accurate representation of what really happened.

ED: Well, it may, if there is more than one who talks about it? Saw it, you know.

JON: Yeah…but maybe…who knows. But, unless you see it yourself, which I didn’t (ED: Right, I know.) so, moving the clock forward again…along the road between the…roundabout; it’s a four-way roundabout, one’s off to Tunstall, the opposite side goes to Eyke with the other side going to the air base site and the domestic site for houses where my flat was, RAF Bentwaters.

JON/DERMOT: Brief conversation with ED ensued, clarifying the air base and housing locations from roundabout and other villages nearby.

DERMOT: Well, around 1:30 am I was heading home where I was in Shotley on the peninsula between Felixstowe and Harwich. It was about a 30-35 mile drive so, I thought…

JON: And, I’d like to point out at this point, before we go any further, Rendlesham and Bentwaters, unlike today was almost like a ghost town. It is very busy now because of the industrial are that has gone in there, not like in the old days.

DERMOT: The houses were just empty.

JON: It reminded us of the old movie, Body Snatchers or something like that, some Sci-fi film. There was no one about.

DERMOT: The reason I saw what I saw was the light, for security, which again is one of the, well, another thing. We didn’t want to tell people because there was just too much going on, too much occurring.

JON: So, on that road on the way to Eyke, if I can say about the light, there used to be a security hut there, and or a security building and a club. And, there was a regular street light there. And, every time Dermot and I would drive there…

DERMOT: It was a regular street light, but it was within the grounds. It was not on the pavement or sidewalk.

JON: Excellent observation. So, unlike the others, it was a regular street lamp, but yeah unlike the rest that were on the sidewalk, it was inside their grounds. And, every time Dermot and I pulled up this thing would go out. Now (both laughing), we would drive off and it would come on, again. I know this sounds comical, but we used to take our friends and family. So, watch this. We’d go out and around the block and we’d pull up behind it. It (light) would stay on. Cars were going past, cars were going past and we’d pull up, it would go off again. We’d drive away and it would come on, again. Without fail, it would do that. Without fail (both repeat). These are the small details that might fit into the big puzzle somewhere.

ED: (It would happen) if both of you were in separate cars?

DERMOT: (Both stating). Either of us... No matter which car we were in, if…we could be in someone else’s car (and the light would go out). And, we would walk on the pavement, or walked along the sidewalk and the light would go out.

JON: As long as we were in proximity…

ED: So, it was whether you were in a car or not? Good Lord.

JON: (DERMOT agrees), as long as we were in proximity. And, this was at the time I was being stopped 14 times by the police in a month.

DERMOT: Because, it was every single time it just became a bit of a joke. We’d watch the light go out. Then, we’d watch it come back on, again. It became part of everyday life. And um, so as I was driving past and we’d watch the light. It went out. So, then I was watching in the rear view mirrors for the light to come back on and before it did I saw a movement as the light came back on this…sigh, (visibly moved, hair standing on end on arms).

JON: You see the effect it has on him even thinking about it right now.

ED: Take your time…

DERMOT: This creature, I don’t know what…I didn’t know what it was. It came from the side with domestic side… (JON briefs ED on right side driver in England) and it crossed I watched it in the one side mirror then the other side mirror. And, this thing was maybe 3 and a half to 4 feet tall. Um, ah, yet shape wise it, I mean I only saw it the length of time it took to cross the road. And, only in the mirrors, but I tracked it in all three mirrors in turn. Um, it looked like a, ah, I don’t know if you have the same shape for a give way here, but yield in the states. We have an inverted triangle…

ED: Actually, it is pretty much the same in the states, yeah.

DERMOT: That is the only way I can describe it, shape wise. It looked like an inverted triangle. There was no discernible head, whether the head was low, down on the body or there was no separate head or what I don’t know. But, this was in inverted triangle. Um, it sort of scurried on very small legs, which were moving very, very quickly. Um, the only way I can describe it is like um, if you see shrimp or prawn scurrying along that is what the legs (were like). As I said, I only saw it for the length of time it took to cross the two-lane road.

ED: Did you have a color of the thing?

DERMOT: I don’t know, but it appeared to be a kind of orangey color. But, I don’t know if it was lit up by the Sodium, the orangey glow of the Sodium street lamps.

JON: You said his arms were outstretched?

DERMOT: The arms, which seemed to come out of the corners of the triangle, from each corner, were very long and hinged the way a human’s arm would be, with a drop-down, and then you know like an elbow for want of a better term. But, it seemed to move as if these moving parts were very slow in relation to legs. And, it was as if it was pulling itself on a rope. You know that sort of movement (gesturing-all agreed). And, um it (sigh), the strangest thing is, the thing that scared me the most not just seeing this weird entity, it looked like a bad special effect. It looked like, you know like the ghosts in the original “Ghostbusters.” It looked airbrushed. But, it was a very hard edge to it, as if it had been superimposed on. In reality, I wasn’t watching a movie or a TV screen or anything. This was in reality; it had too hard an edge around it.

JON: Like it was 2-dimensional you were saying…

DERMOT: Well, yeah. It looked like it had been superimposed on reality. It, it shouldn’t have been there. And, I stopped the car, sat for second thinking, what the hell do I do? And, then I spun the car around and put the high-beam on and tried to see if I could see it again. But, by this time it was gone from the side of the road. And, I couldn’t get the lights to depress enough to shine into the field. The field remained in darkness. And, then I was faced with the two choices, either (go) 200 yards back to Jon’s or 30-odd miles through dark forests to mine. And, again and I’m not afraid to admit I was too scared to make that journey.

ED: Wow, wow…

JON: So, what I’ve got, I went to bed…

DERMOT: I sped around to Jon’s.

JON: Yeah. So I had gone to bed, just gone to bed…

DERMOT: And, it took every ounce of effort to get out of the car and walk down the little lane to the stairs to your flat.

JON: They were galvanized metal stairs. So, I had just gone to bed and heard this Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, as he’s coming up the stairs. Then, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang on the door. And, I thought, what the hell is going on here. I open the door; he comes rushing in white as a sheet. I didn’t know what had happened, had he been in an accident or he’d seen someone dead or something? So, I said what the hell’s happened here? And, sat him down and gave him some strong tea and I could see he was going into shock.

ED: Wow…

JON: And, it took him a long time to get him to get out what he had seen. And, it, it, it seems that whatever he’d witnessed was so far out of his sphere-of-reference. You’ve got no frame of reference for this thing. You could say it was like this or it was like that, it was so damned strange that he’d gone into this sort of shock. Once, again…

ED: Where was that location, again?

JON: That was between, that was near the BT building, you know the BT I showed you…

ED: Oh, yeah, yeah…

JON: Just for the record, not the BT Headquarters in Martlesham; this is the high security, communications building that when I was in

aerospace, the company ended up buying up several sites…

ED: Thank you. I remember now…

DERMOT: It is right on the edge of (RAF) Bentwaters air base.

ED: Thank you. I just wanted to be clear on that.

JON: Yep, yep. Between the roundabout and then down the Eyke road…

ED: I remember now.

JON: So, once again, Dermot has never lied to me and I trust him with absolute integrity on everything. You can’t ever ask for a better friend or a clever friend; I’m not going to blow sunshine up your ass…

ED: Ha, ha, ha…

JON: But no, straight up…

ED: No, I, I can see it very clearly.

JON: To be honest, that is one of the reasons I don’t have a lot or that big a circle of friends in Ipswich because they are not of the same


ED: The other good news, as well, is that Dermot and I have had numerous conversations over the years, so (JON: Yeah)…I’m in.

JON: With the exception for Jon, the other Jon and stuff like that I choose my friends very carefully. My dad once said: A lucky man can choose a friend for every finger. I got loads of mates, it’s only later that you realize (ED: We, we’ve, I think all of us have learned that, uh hmm). But, having said that, you’ve got to admit none of us are infallible and I’m thinking to myself this guy is believing he’d seen something. 100%. Then again, whatever he’s seen he may have. But, look it’s half-past one in the morning. There, it’s a dark forest road, we’ve got lights flashing on and off; perhaps he’s been mistaken, possibly. But, I’ll take him for what his word says because of (honor).

ED: The thing is for most of these encounters you’ve had, you normally had a cadre of at least 12, 13 or more people.

JON: Yeah, yep.

DERMOT: Strange, until today, I’d never, I never really thought of it in that term, but, those arms were bloody mantis arm(s). (Group mumbling)

The way I always described the arms in the past, ah, well, remember the old Popeye cartoons, Alice the Goon?

ED: Oh, my, gosh.

DERMOT: The big, big lumbering thing with the arms, that’s the way I described it because, as Jon was saying, it was a frame of reference to describe it.

ED: Which you needed at that time…

JON: Yes, so moving the clock forward, again, you see, you can see the physical, galvanic (response on his arm).

ED: I can see it right now! Yes. Yes.

JON: It is very real. Look, you can see it right now (Interview clock check, good). So, moving the clock forward, again, you alright, bub (DERMOT: Okay) Sure? We’d gone to…

ED: Look, a little guy only 6’3” and can’t even fit in this vehicle…all laughing.

JON: Then, a guy who grew up in Northern Ireland and Nottingham; a prison (guard), a big bloke (ED: A prison guard), yes, it has had a profound effect 22 years later and it still like that. So, whatever it was, moving the clock forward again, we’d gone around the flat one night and we went for a drink at the um, the club that was on base. And, before anyone thinks we were drunk, we had one pint; that’s all we had before a fight broke out between some local lads in there. And, the police turned up and it was going into lockdown, ah, we can’t be dealing with it, so we got out, we thought we’d go home. And, I can still remember the conversation we were having. These details, you see, sort of like remembering the car and things, I wanted people to know these details. Because, later on these details will not change, because, it’s imprinted.

ED: Right, right.

JON: And, we were talking about the Isle of Man TT; yeah, uh, don’t you remember I was talking about my Honda VFR 750 I used to have (G-Reg. FL model, there you go). And, so our minds are on anything but Rendlesham Forest, paranormal things, and things crossing the road. We were anywhere but that. We just walked past, we walked a little way past where the light goes out and stuff, all that lot, and um, almost to the BT site where there is a right-of-way; our conversation and our progress was abruptly arrested, as we both, both; this is the skeptic guy, both saw something walking across the road.

ED: Again, wow.

JON: And, I ran towards it like an idiot, probably, to rugby tackle this thing.

DERMOT: Well, first of all you said, is that what you saw?

JON: But, is that what you saw and then ran towards it.

ED: What did you say, Dermot?

DERMOT: I just, I just couldn’t speak.

JON: He just couldn’t speak. It was just like; is that what you saw and ran towards it to rugby tackle this thing and it disappeared into the

undergrowth near the BT (British Telecom) building, which I’ve taken you to and shown you; I’ve actually got a close up photograph on that computer disk thing. And, there I am, standing in the middle of a road in the middle of Rendlesham Forest and there was no traffic back then. At the end, there was a club on the base and, there was just a few people in there; there was just no traffic like that. But, this was clearly illuminated by the street signs and the round-a-bouts where, that’s where we could see how many, the phosphor or mercury vapor lights where the heck they were.

ED: Could you describe that entity a little bit?

JON: I tried, again, tried to put it into…but, I would suggest

that it was about 3-4 feet tall, was it, Der?

DERMOT: Um-hmm.

JON: I think it was walking upright on two legs, I would have thought that, as opposed to scurrying, but you might have seen it differently?

DERMOT: I didn’t even notice, as soon as I saw it and it was essentially the same thing I seen before. I pretty much redid with dread, really.

ED: Uh hmm, okay.

JON: But, I saw something I can’t describe now, albeit it certainly, it certainly was not like a four-legged deer. It certainly was not a person. It was something that I’ve got no way of easily describing. And, it, it scurried across the road. I ran towards it trying to grab it and it disappeared into the undergrowth where I showed you. And, I, I, I would say that on a…

DERMOT: We went to where it had went in the next morning, in the daylight (group agreement) and this thick brambles, barbed wire fence; there’s no way any creature could have got through there without…

JON: No, there isn’t.

DERMOT: …without making a lot of noise or getting stuck.

JON: I just thought of something else that happened directly before that. I bet you had forgotten? There was about 3 or 4 of us in the car.

We’d been driving back and the Dean was there; there’s a guy in camouflage holding an M-16 or something that was an automatic weapon on the side of the road. And, I phoned the police. Do you remember that?

DERMOT: I think I was in the car.

JON: There was only 4 of us that was in the car. I had only just remembered, it’s funny this triggers memories.

ED: This was the same night?

JON: It was around that night. And I phoned the local police station and I said I don’t know what this was all about. I don’t know if this was a fake weapon or something, but it was somebody standing opposite of the BT site and the Eyke road and he’s in military uniform and he’s holding an automatic rifle type I think. And, they said I’ll make a note of it. They didn’t seem that sort of…but, I’ve only just this second remembered that. So, keep that on (interview recorder). But, anyway, yeah, ah, later on when the company I worked for in aerospace defense company, you know the company (ED: Yes), I taken you around there to meet ex-colleagues and friends.

ED: It was a very interesting group of friends, very interesting –gave out one of the engineer whistles about UFOs at Jon.

JON: You missed some of the engineers. (All were chuckling and laughing).

DERMOT: Say no more, say no more. I worked in a sister company across the road, Wemec, which is opposite the road…

JON: Yes, (you were) opposite in the same building.

ED: Your defense firm was primarily about 80% military with some commercial.

JON: That’s correct, absolutely. Um, if you can think of, I won’t name on the thing, but if you can think of any large defense contractor;

you’ve seen the signs inside the…I brought out to the uh…

ED: Gentlemen, this is an incredible interview.

JON: Um, there you go.

ED: Well, there we are. So, Dermot, do you have anything to contribute?

DERMOT: Um, ah, well, we mentioned the, to tie in what we’d seen with the smell…

JON: Oh yes, we need to tell you this, this is, thank you Dermot; I’d nearly forgot that. Yeah, god that’s a really important thing...

ED: Gee, I’m glad I asked the question (ha ha).

JON: Um, we’ve got, well, he’s a good friend, again a very scientific, very skeptical guy, but he writes for a well-known UFO magazine, as

a skeptical writer. And, (and I know his name {Richard Conway, in retrospect}), and yes, you do, and uh, he got in touch with me and said: Jon, you need to read this month’s magazine. There’s a guy in Scotland and remember we hadn’t told anybody about what I am about to tell you, this so it couldn’t have got out. Only, Richard knew and being a skeptical type of guy, keeps these kinds of details back, like in a police investigation so that…there might be little strange things that you don’t in case it’s corroborating evidence or something. He said

you need to read this month’s UFO Magazine or whatever it’s called. Um, there’s a guy in Scotland that’s seen something that looked like a praying mantis crossing the road with a strong smell of strawberry candy floss.

ED: Oh my gosh…

DERMOT: …that was around 3 feet high…

JON: Yep, same height; 3 feet high and he described…

ED: In a different location…

DERMOT: In Scotland…

JON: Hundreds of miles away…

ED: I mean it was in a specific city, maybe it was…

JON: We can look into this. If we can find that magazine, we can find it’s in there…

ED: Well, actually, it is non-sequitur in a way. Uh, the fact it has been mentioned is enough; very good.

JON: Well, we’ve got that and sometime we will revisit the times when you’ve been, ah, several of us, not myself, but Dermot and others have had these bright orange orbs of light following the car, in fact, George…

DERMOT: Bright red…

JON: Bright red was it, just very quickly while we just tell him about the Grunsworth thing, and…

DERMOT: Oh yeah, um…

JON: Just so you’ve got it on record; this won’t take long.

DERMOT: It seems, actually, um, since it was where I saw the the patch you mentioned earlier, um I was in my car heading towards Jon’s,


JON: I was living in Grunsworth at the time, I believe, was I?

DERMOT: Yep, you were, and, (JON: Grundisburgh, lol) both laughing…

ED: Is that spelled with an ‘e’…

JON: It is spelled, Grundisburgh.

DERMOT: Yeah, and um, there was a car in front of me, and the car braked hard, like an emergency stop for no reason, there was nothing I could see, where I’d thought an animal run out, whatever…the car stopped and the doors opened. And, I thought what the hell was going on and then I looked up, just something caught my eye and there was a young couple in the car. Each of them got out. I opened my door and got out and this bright red ball probably about, it’s difficult to decide because I have no... I can’t tell you how far away it was what it appeared to be, about the size of a beach ball, ah possibly about 30 feet off the ground.

ED: Since you just observed it, I just noticed something you did, rather autonomic (ly), it was approximately the diameter of little over 2 feet.

JON: So, he was describing it before he was even worded it.

DERMOT: And, um, it went, it passed overhead, um, from beyond the trees one side to beyond the trees the other in probably about 4-5 seconds. Um, but there was a little gap in the trees where it was obviously the driver had seen it ahead of me. And, he braked hard and didn’t know what this thing was approaching. And, um, but yet it was absolutely silent; no noise.

JON: And, he’s had this thing track the car, it was like on an intercept path, they knew which way your car was going…

DERMOT: And, it wasn’t anything like um, one of these Chinese lanterns. It was a ball of light. It was a light (JON: It was self-illuminating). It was, it didn’t have a light inside it; it was a light. Um, but, a few months later, I was heading back from, ah yours or the Dog (pub)

(Jon’s flat in Grundisburgh). And, um, I was heading back home. And, um, from the fields aside I saw this bright red light and at first I thought it was, um temporary traffic lights from road works on a different…then, I realized there was no road over there. And, um, this light then started moving just like that the only way I could describe it was on and intercept course rapidly across the fields towards where I was heading. So, I, again, instinctively turned the car around and headed back towards Grundisburgh and this thing changed direction and started tracking me again, probably about 15 feet up in the air, above the plowed field. It was bright enough (where) you could see the plowed field beneath it. So, sometimes you’ll get hunters that use a red lamp at night for shooting, but that would be on top of a 4 by 4 (4-wheel drive vehicle). You could see there was nothing underneath it; there was no vehicle underneath it.

JON: We saw that coming over that field with Jon, actually thinking about it. And, we’ve also seen this bright cherry-red bright light with the other Richard, like a sweet.

DERMOT: Cherry sweet…bright red.

JON: But, we saw that in the sky, it zigzagged and then moved off. So, yeah, we’ve seen that several times. And then, quickly just to wrap up me talking about this all.

ED: There were more sightings?

JON: Oh, yeah. This was going on with just us, we had lots witnesses at once. There was a time and I’m going to be really quick…

ED: No, no, we’re fine. We’re doing okay (taping interview time).

JON: We were at the top of Firetrack 10, um, Andrew Turner was there. Um, God rest his soul. And, um, he was quite young at the time; Andrew, a lovely lad, and um, he wanted to go down and see what the forest was and this, that, and the other. The first time I took him down there, from just beyond East Gate and the Butley Road and as we approached Firetrack 10 opposite Folly Cottage again, and, only a few meters into the trees there was a small, about the size of a campfire, but it was crackling sort of visually, uh yellow and green, very, very bright. And, I stopped the car and wound the window down and said look at this and we were watching it. So, we’re having a look at this and Andrew started to get really panicky. Well um, kind of the responsible adult here and he’s around 15-16 years at the time, can’t really um, so we stayed inside the car and just watched it and eventually we drove off because he was getting uncomfortable with it, so, yeah, I couldn’t do that, so we drove off. Anyway, one of the nights we were down there, um, had taken Andrew there again, and the excited lot, they’re nice guys, but they were quite fun in the van. And, um nothing was happening. Oh, just remembered something we must tell Ed; the pager. (DERMOT: Oh, yes) Um, now, my word, yeah, so, we were driving off I said oh yeah, we’ll get some food. And, as we drive off I said I bet when we get back they have seen something. Or, they’ll say they’ve seen something. When we got back all these guys and there were two girls sitting in the van, and um, where are they? Where is everyone? Oh, (they said) you missed it! All these orange orbs dropping down into the trees and the tops of wood on the left… Then, I said, so, yeah, whatever. And, I’m nudging and there you go. And, there was this Conan’s car there, but there was no Conan. So, we’re coming back off from Firetrack 10 and the cars and I said, go ahead Conan, what happened? And, he said, there’s (what they saw) was absolutely correct. He said we all saw those orange orbs like coming down from the trees and all that. And, he was saying those ones. They were there and we could all see them. I said I’ll go in

and you follow me to see if we were in the same part of the park.

ED: Were those orbs about the same size as (JON: Yes.), okay, what Dermot described (JON: Yes.).

JON: Absolutely. Clear as day. We’re not talking dust mites on front of lenses on cameras. These are self-illuminating (ED: Uh hum.) moving clearly under some kind of guidance, I would imagine. Well, we thought that was strange and the night died down and got fairly quiet, yeah. Next morning, my phone is ringing. You missed it. I think it started to snow, actually. They’d said Ron got up out of his deck chair, walked down into the beginning of Firetrack 10, turned to the right this time and a bright, white…sort of beam of light came down, ‘Bang’, hits him and knocks him Sparko; knocked him out. They went up and were shining torches in his eyes; couldn’t get him around. They got out, ‘Ron’s had a heart attack, Ron’s had a heart attack’. Quick, we need a medic…and all this lot. Then, he came around, walked up to his chair and couldn’t remember anything about it. Now, then, I gonna come back to that page in a minute, Derm, but there are two more things I would really would like to get to talk about. Yeah. One time, we were talking under the tree with this guy called Dave. Were you there, Dermot? When Nadine was parked in her car? We were at Folly Cottage in light drizzle. I can’t remember if Dermot was there or not. Wonder If Dave with the TA (Territorial Army) was there. We were just talking general stuff, probably (phhht) about cars or something, can’t remember, but it was that general. Well, we heard a rumbling coming from this side of the runway, under what we’d assume probably Folly Cottage. Across the road, and then down, probably to the right of Firetrack 10, which was (ED: It was like

that line we walked?) Yes, where the covers are. I’m not saying it is related, but maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. We’re just explaining. It disappeared off down there. Nadine got out of her car off the other side of the road and said guys, did you hear that. So, she’d heard it from inside her parked car. Then, we, what do you think about the Norwich guys, or?

DERMOT: I don’t feel it was the same occasion, but it sounded like…

JON: The chains…

DERMOT: It sounded like a huge lump of concrete being dragged by heavy (JON: Chains) tight clink of the chains and the scrape of heavy concrete.

JON: Absolutely. Something was definitely moving. Uh, we’ve had three occasions of this. One, I’m going to have to think of what the other one was, but there’s one with the Norwich guys that come down. And, again, they come down with all their kit. They’ve got torches on them, hats, aerials, walkie-talkies and a Geiger counter.

DERMOT: A Geiger counter. Because, there was talk, um, of increased background radiation where the landing site is. They wanted to see if there was anything, still.

JON: Oh, you are not going to pick anything after all this time. So, we’re having a chat and general stuff. And, we are walking through the

forest and what do we hear, but this rumbling again, with the chains, exactly what we just described. And, it moved under us, and as it moved under us, ah, is this right, Dermot? Or is…

DERMOT: Absolutely! The Geiger counter, full scale deflection and then back again.

JON: In, in (DERMOT: As this thing passed underneath us, I wonder why?) Yep. And, I don’t want to put 2 and 2 together here (ED: Understood, believe it as it is.). Believe it as it is. But, you know what I’m about to say; how many of us are left?

DERMOT: I was going to say that about Andrew. So many people that we know…

JON: Yep. My ex-partner, Andrew and Ron, the guy that got hit by


DERMOT: He died of cancer. Apart from Ron who was actually part of World War II, a WWII veteran…all (others) young.

JON: And, Andrew was (from) a brain hemorrhage. Um, now, um, the weirdest thing happened as we went to that petrol station. I was going to pick up that car wasn’t I?

DERMOT: You were heading up the A-140 to Norwich and we both had pagers (JON: Phones) and I don’t know if you have had a pager. The way the service works here is when someone wants to give the message they phone the company and the company would type out the message (ED: With the phone number). And, I got this pager message, but there was no number, and it said, “Not to worry, just want to say goodbye.” I thought, odd? No number. So, when we pulled in the petrol station used the pay phone there and called the pager company and they said no record of any pager (message) for you, we haven’t taken a pager message, we haven’t sent you one. I said, but it’s here. They said what number is it? I said there isn’t a number. They said, well, we haven’t taken a message and, and then you (JON) got a message on your pager message from Al.

JON: Uh, it wasn’t from Al, it was from (DERMOT: Was it Gina), no, it was from the guy with the beard, the old man, uh, what was his name? (DERMOT: Derrick), I’ll find that name, ah (ED: No worries.).He ran the um…

DERMOT: He looked like Terry Pranchet…he used to wear the hat (JON: Yeah, yeah, yeah), you got the pager message from him to ring him.

JON: Yep. That’s right.

DERMOT: Um, and this was on the same journey. And, you rang him and we knew Ron was obviously ill with cancer and he’d passed away with cancer this afternoon (JON: Before we got the pager message.) We said, when? And it was literally about a minute or two before the message arrival (ED: Wow.)

JON: And, you can put 2 and 2 together you can put the pager message with no number and the pager company had no record of that name (message).

DERMOT: And, he said, “Not to worry, just wanted to say goodbye.”

ED: That’s amazing.

DERMOT: I remember it like it was yesterday.

ED: And, the pagers I’ve had in the past had limited fonts and/or numerals that could be from…

JON: So, please understand, at no point have we mentioned aliens or this, we just tried to put down on record what, as accurately as, we can.

ED: All I can say is this is beyond an incredible interview. And it, I really wish we could carry it forward.

JON: Well, you’ve got a fairly, well not even fairly, I think you’ve got a probably the most accurate nuts and bolts…

ED: This has been the most fantastic, but I know there is more. The point is I think this is the (JON: I think you have the nucleus of it now.)

But, I think this is such a good interview, it should be published.

JON: Well, we can talk about that. And, um, hopefully, in the time you have been over here, which has been a pleasure driving you about.

ED: Oh, you…

DERMOT: It has been fun to finally meet you.

ED: Absolute pleasure is mine, gentlemen.

JON: Hopefully, everything we’ve said with the context we’ve given you, with the news reports we have given you, with the timeline we have given you, hopefully you can see that everything we have said is so far is cross-referenced (ED: I can verify on tape.) and it hasn’t changed over the years.

ED: I can verify it on tape I met you almost four years ago and every time we covered this information, it has been 100% the same each time. And, this exclusive (interview), I cannot tell you both enough how much from my

observation this is (so detailed) spot on.

JON: Well, you are very welcome. All I would say is the truth is out there; if you stick to the truth you don’t have to remember lies. That is

why our stories never change.

ED: I can see the absolute genuine nature of it and that is why I’m really asking you both, this should go out.

JON: We’ll have a chat more at home.

ED: Okay.

DERMOT: As far as I’m concerned, I’m happy with that.

ED: Dermot, it is just an absolute pleasure to meet you. I mean, we have talked for years, but my goodness, this is, I struggle to find the

words for it because it’s accurate, it’s common sense. You both coordinated, combined and issued exactly what I’ve known and heard since the very beginning with no variations.

JON: Well, Dermot lives hundreds of miles away. I’m not on Facebook. We’re not communicating or anything like that. And, you just heard it (as) another account.

ED: That is correct. Well, uh, thank you very much guys. This is a wrap, and, boy-oh-boy this is a wrap. Thank you very much and we’ll talk soon.

DERMOT: Pleasure.



With the completion of the above interview, again, this author has decided to separate the completion of the research, which began in March/April of 2016 into specific parts for clarity of understanding. Especially, the above interview was so intense and continuous; it would be invasive to throw in GPS coordinates and images during this time. It would take away from the spontaneity of the interview. In Part 2, Jon and I continue our travels to each location mentioned above (and more) with details of GPS coordinates referencing the events and accounts over the years since the original Rendlesham Forest Incident (RFI) of December 26-28, 1980.


Following Part 2, Part 3 covers the interview with Jon’s elder brother of 20 years, David Marsden who resided in Battisford when the original UFO sightings were experienced at the same time the RFI incident occurred. Please note his observation coincided with the RFI event. Then, in Part 4 we will delve into the incredible accountings from Peter Woolnough and another family member. In Part 5, in the Derrick Hawes interview, had almost given up trying to share his accounting over the years due to ridicule, steps forward with his

incredible event accounting. Part 6 will include an interview with Gordy Goodger with his accounts of bases found abandoned and left underwater. There are more parts to complete thanks to the USAF Airmen, Tim Egercic and others to report. And, the overall summation will hopefully complete a circle of understanding of what so many experienced since the time of the highly proclaimed Rendlesham Forest Incident.


Hundreds of hours of compilation have been completed, to date. The hope this author has is to provide the reader with the best, most accurate, and certainly the most honest reporting possible.

Written and Transcribed By: Ed Smith

Universal Digest is committed to providing its audience with the most timely news reporting; however, there are times where this is not possible. Therefore, a concise reporting of historical news occurrences are published, as soon as, is practicable. None of the published information may be copied, reproduced or republished anywhere without the express written approval of the author. The views shared in the article are not necessarily those of Universal Digest, its staff or assigns.


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