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Ed Smith


DOWN TO EARTH is the best term for the video interview by Seriah of Where Did The Road Go? Radio with Richard Dolan and Peter Robbins on June 13, 2015.

Before we start, I would like to preface this article with a sincere request to the reader: If you are interested in UFO phenomena and ufology, you will enjoy and learn from this interview. If you sincerely want to gain a better understanding of UFO research and what it entails furthering your knowledge and possible, future participation, this is one video that, like a good book, you will not be able to put down until you have finished reading it. If you are not serious or is one who pays lip service to this area of research and would rather copy and paste information in social media or other venues, you may not want to read any further or see the video.

This video interview is 52 minutes of a non-stop question and answer format. I promise this is to be a most candid, honest, laid-back, unique and comprehensive viewing. It covers many of the current, historical, secretive, political, military, governmental and societal issues regarding UFO research, inclusive of abduction issues.

The purpose of the above brevity is out of respect for Richard, Peter, and Seriah who provided us with this informative interview. When Seriah responded to my request to write an article with a, “Absolutely, please share,” I was excited.

So, please take the time to enjoy the following YouTube video courtesy of Seriah of Where Did The Road Go? Radio:

Although, we at Universal Digest have multiple categories for a vast viewing audience, this author still conducts active research in UFO phenomena. This is a unique industry and is much smaller than many know. Those who are serious in their research are most welcome to make contact. I assure you, your passion and desire to find answers to so many questions in an honest approach do not go unnoticed. It is my honor to know these two gentlemen via social media and my respect for them continues to grow. Again, in viewing this video you will see what I mean how the humanistic and honest approaches by Richard Dolan and Peter Robbins can and do benefit this industry.

Hopefully, this article and its contents may help many to avoid the traps the hoaxers and fakers lay for the uniformed. The more one becomes educated in this field the more apparent the truth is.

Seriah Azkath’s radio shows and videos (YouTube) can be found at

Comments are welcome and pertinent queries may be relayed.

Universal Digest

PS: As noted on social media: This interview provides a unique and candid view of ufology and UFO phenomena, past, present, and future. An honest focus on a realistic view of research and how it should be undertaken is discussed along with so many nuances in this field.

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