Great Flood and the Lack of Human Remains is a mystery. Why?
One day, I was pondering on the 'giants' mentioned in Genesis 6:4, which is a mind-blowing topic. It's been written hundreds of times that nephilim skeletons have been discovered but the remains are hidden from the public. Is this plausible? If you do a little research on the ancient Egyptian's background giants are portrayed throughout their history in their sacred writings, sculptures and paintings. They painted so well to tell us who they were, how they looked and their way of life (rituals, ceremonies, wars etc.) So, it's conceivable.
So, I was sitting and thinking; In reality, not all remains could have been found, and most of all, not all people were grand in size before the great flood. That circumstance brought up another question; Where are all the pre-flood human skeletons? Even the ones that were, per our terms, normal in size?
According to Scripture, there were Antediluvian civilizations, which are civilizations that existed before the great flood with patriarchs that reached ten times our current life span and had large families. So, where are their fossils? If there were millions of people populating the world at the time of the flood as they suggest, wouldn't they be buried in the flood strata? Why haven't they been found?
We have found marine creatures, such as clams, corals and trilobites. As well as plants and land animals. This encompasses reptiles, including dinosaurs, amphibians, mammals and birds. Among lost creatures, exquisite carvings with recorded life and detailed paintings have survived at sites like that of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. So, where are the human remains?
A 1992 ICR article wrote seven responses to the perplexing question:
1) Land animals and humans have a low fossilization potential. We would expect few fossils from them.
2) If the Flood buried a multitude of people and distributed their bodies among the world's sedimentary rocks, finding even one human fossil in such a vast area would be unlikely.
3) Underwater mudflows during the Flood would have ground human bones to powder.
4) Flood-waters receding off continents might have likewise pulverized them.
5) Catastrophic geological processes may have buried ancient continents in their entirety, virtually erasing all evidence of people.
6) Whoever discovers a pre-flood human bone or bone fragment might not identify it as such, since that finding would not fit evolutionary expectations.
7) The pre-flood population might have been quite small, considering Genesis 6:13's statement that “the earth was filled with violence.”
The seven responses can explain for masses of missing remains, but does it explain for the entirety of man-kind before our present days? That's hard to digest, especially knowing they have found hundreds of underground and high-ground cities where people could have survived the great deluge. According to the Sumerian Tablets, countless people did survive the disaster.
Let's do some research:
Low fossilization potential refers to the rarity of fossil formation because unique conditions are needed to preserve fragile remains. And, guess what? The flood waters from 4,365 years ago, or 2,348 BC supplied those exact conditions to conserve easily broken, or petrified forms. Per paleontologists, small land animal bones are typically weaker than a humans and there are plenty of smaller animal fossils that have been recovered, like that of birds.
Flood fossils form in specific layers and earth strata's where slow moving sediments transport plant and animal wreckage to a complete stop. It's known where to find them, and as of this date, only two skeletons have been found that date to the Antediluvian time period.
It's remarkable that only two have been unearthed. It happened in June of 1971, an amateur geologist and archaeologist named Lin Ottinger, made the fascinating discovery in Moab, Utah. In a copper mine he found the remains in a Cretaceous age sandstone that aged more than 65 million years old. The bones were still joined together naturally and stained green with copper carbonate. Mine metallurgist Keith Barrett of the Big Indian Copper Mine that owned the discovery site recalled that the rock and soil that had been removed by dozier had been solid with no visible caves or crevices. The Stratum was at least 100 million years old. This is good evidence that these skeletons buried under Jurassic sandstone were Antediluvian.
Very few stories exist on findings of pre-flood human remains, but when fragments are found and presented to authorities, these authorities immediately reject the findings by deeming them invalid due to their wrong placement in the preconceived picture of evolution based on archeology, geology and related sciences. Basically, a final outcome doesn't exist.
Another stunning find is from Idaho. During an 1889 well drilling operation, a stone doll dubbed Nampa was found. The doll came from a 300 foot level of a well boring. The records show that the drillers penetrated about fifty feet of soil, then fifteen feet of basalt, and afterwards, passed through alternate beds of clay and quicksand down to a depth of about three hundred feet, into the level named Plio-Pleistocene which is dated two million years old. It should be noted that the well log shows that the stone doll was found on a bed of sandstone far below a fifteen foot lava layer, which laid down during a flood period. No human remains were found around the stone doll.
Are we to believe what the Bible tells us? That when God announced “I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made and man has made, I will destroy from off the face of the earth.” The seventh chapter of the Book of Genesis describes how God caused it to rain in order to submerge the earth and annihilate all who lived in sin and everything else. Only virtuous Noah, who received God's warning, was able to survive along with his family and specimens of all living creatures by building an ark. If this is to be believed, the facts tell otherwise, because there are an abundance of artifacts, approximately two dozen civilization sites, even remnants of an ancient technology, and on top, there were survivors; more than likely, thousands of them.
According to current research, there are more than 250 great flood accounts that have been assembled from cultures all over the world. The tales are generally the same; the great deluge was sent by a deity or a group of deities, a flood transpired as an act of divine retribution for the end of mankind. The Bible is the only record showing it rained for forty days and forty nights. The majority accounts from around the world state it rained for only seven days and seven nights, as well as nine days and nine nights. Additionally, the flood materialized during a variety of time periods from different sources; rain, tsunamis and generally from the great ice sheets.
Interestingly, in ancient Mesopotamia, the Sumerian King List is divided into those who ruled before the flood, and after the flood. In fact, the city of Sumer emerged immediately after the deluge with said hundreds of patriarchs, which is recorded in particular detail.
One flood story, coming from Mesopotamia, the Atrahasis version, the flood is only a river flood. While the story itself concerns a great flood, most scholars recognize that it was inspired by a local event; most likely caused by the Tigris and Euphrates overflowing their banks.
Excavations in Iraq, where it began, have revealed evidence of only localized flooding at Shuruppak and various other Sumerian cities radiocarbon dated to about 2,900 BC. Other sites, such as Ur, Kish and Uruk present evidence of flooding as well. However, this comes from a different time period. In Israel, there is no such evidence of a widespread flood. Approximately 1,630 BC to 1,600 BC, there was a natural tsunami that hit the South Aegean Sea and Crete but didn't affect the mainland cities of Greece. That deluge is that regions only flood.
The world-wide deluge, per scholars and scientists, are in agreement that an earth-encircling flood could not have possibly taken place, being incompatible with modern scientific understanding of natural history, geology and paleontology.
Is it possible that the great flood story wasn't as catastrophic as its been written in the American bible? The other culture's scriptures are varied and not so apocalyptic. Is it possible the tale was told and re-told and had been embellished, and that most people living on earth then remained alive? If that were to be true, that would definitely sum up why there is a total lack of human remains.
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