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Ed Smith


A mysterious statue has been circulating the Internet and social media the last two days claiming this ‘may’ be Mayan. The only source discovered to date via reverse image search in Google has resulted in no exact versions and only one mainline news source known as from August 17, 2015. In the article, it only states the statue is alleged and quotes nothing as to the source, location, or date of said statue.

The following are a few photos and one QR Code image to view courtesy of ETSEETC:

The following post is a view of the article, summation, and opinion given to UFO Hunters International in a post, today. Please note most of the ETSEETC article spoke more of the creation and inception history of QR (Quick Response) codes being used by smart phones and other devices today.

Translation, first paragraph: A statue allegedly Maya , has puzzled many netizens in recent days on social networks. The statue said Maya, has a humanoid body and a very unique head. It seems to be a kind of representation of a QR code, a modern bar code read by smart phones. Find out what is the code… The article ends with: As you can see, this issue leaves a lot more questions than explanations. But, we are in the struggle for more information as: This is even a statue Maya? Where it is exposed ? What is the historical context ? We can decode the image to try to find a message that makes us sense? We will chase more information about this statue, who want to collaborate with the blog , feel free . When we have more information , we will update this post … Summation to date: Suspicious…no source beyond this, no references to discovery, location, or dating of artifact. My opinion is someone constructed the statue, claiming if MAY be Mayan and it is on display, somewhere, lol. The article wrote more about the QR code creations. Above, ‘netizens’ must be a buzzword short for ‘internet citizens’. Hope this helps or opens some doors.

The purpose of this article is to give readers, worldwide a chance to comment or offer more information as to the source of this statue with its uncanny imprint of a QR code. Opinion is it is a contrived fake to garner attention, at least. To be fair, ETSEETC via HOSTMIDIA is at a quandary, as well. We are looking for answers, thank you.

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