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Ed Smith


Nothing happens by accident, but you cannot tell it by how people, by and large, are thinking and acting today. Does anyone remember the term, ‘self reliance’ where someone simply took responsibility for their actions and expected nothing from anyone to make their way in life?

In this article, we will discuss everything from extraterrestrials to eccentricities of human nature. We will also cover the minutia of details of Reality to Religion. Yes? Why not take the bull by the horns.

As technology grows, the human condition has continued to improve. However, the human nature has pretty much remained the same since the beginning of humankind.


We are living in a world of accidents because the age of taking responsibility for one’s action has been replaced by a society of people who live by excuses instead of directions and goals for the most part.

Outside of the present structure of entitlement to those who have paid into a system with years of toil, there are those who now are on a career of, ‘How much can I get away with so the government can pay for my lifestyle and overall existence.’ In other words, I can use the system to live without having to produce anything or nothing of substance. To wit, people with this line of thought have no idea they are only cheating themselves, in the long run of life events. Some find out in the short term. 

This article is going to point out some truisms that cannot be denied. Its point is to issue a challenge to each and every one of provoking clear thought to one’s self and one’s surroundings.

It is hoped some will understand the structure and meaning where waking up the next day will be met with a different, more positive outlook and purpose in life.


Has anyone ever awaken late when they had a schedule to keep? Yes, we all have done this. When you reported to the boss or supervisor about what happened, did you use an excuse? Did you decide to call in sick? Or, did you rationalize that if you did not show up for work you were saving the employer money? Maybe you contrived that a family member suddenly died? Did you have car problems?

The list goes on and I am not even going deeper than this because being judgmental is not an answer. Being solution-oriented is. When one becomes more understanding of what, why, where, when, and how they must consider the life in which they live, life actually becomes easier to live. By not trying to justify a situation, but instead to take control of it and plan for it and alternatives, stress is immediately reduced. By the way, unless your are the ‘boss’, ‘owner’ or ‘management’ one may not have a concept, at all.

In sum, to which of the above images do you usually relate and expound to others?


Why not start here? This subject seems to peak many peoples’ interests these days. I’ll keep it simple. Stop it! There is so much stupid stuff emanating from questionable sources or from no sources at all. When one takes the time to do their homework and research, they enrich their lives with knowledge instead of useless clutter.

From the advent of radio, television, theater to movies, our minds have been awash in ‘Hollywood’ fantasies. This author is not saying fantasies are a bad thing. In fact, escapism is sometimes a valid action to take the ‘edge’ off sometime negative realities.

What is not a good action to take is to mix escapism with realistic events. Many people undertake this approach for entertainment. Even worse, with repetition, one construes fantasy as reality itself. Then, the spreading of half-truths to non-truths prevail. This is not healthy.


A mishap is just that, a mishap. Some call this an accident. Let’s call it by something else, okay? It comes from being in the wrong place at the wrong time to not being aware of one’s surroundings, much less calculating, evaluating, and anticipating the environment.

Nothing happens by accident. When one keeps eyes open and awareness keen, mishaps are drastically reduced.

The wildest ideas of what classifies and accident are two that come to mind. First, it is being struck by lightning. The next, being struck by a meteor. Both can be dramatic and life-changing, as well as, life-ending. But, these are seemingly the best to describe what comes closest to being an accident. However, it seems, moreover, to really being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There is this thing called fate. By definition, it simply means there was an inevitable outcome, which can be positive or negative. I’m still out on how much to subscribe to a ‘fatefully’ demonstrative outcome, but then, again, it could be. I prefer synchronicity and meaning. This is a matter of one’s perspective.


Some people have been fortunate to experience events that many cannot explain with what we know today. Also, remember that in every generation of mankind’s existence the level of communication has been an issue.

First, communication was very limited. It contained motions that both were physical and with body language. Then, it grew from there. In the last few thousand years, oral and then written languages developed. The caveat here is to understand that there were limitations as human forms of communication improved.

Let us state the evidence. For even those who have not had a personal experience, history written in many manuscripts, documents, and writer-accounting of extraterrestrial (alien) beings exist from around the world for many millenia. To be brief, there you are. Whether, people turned it into mysteries or just wrote down what they say the best way they could, they did their best.


To elaborate from the segment above, witnesses and experiencers from many generations have reported events and encounters. This author has experienced a number of events that cannot be explained by contemporary means. Of course, this makes it easier to write about it with clarity. But, we also understand how difficult it is for those who have not are scratching their heads about it.

A very good friend gave a lucid response to someone who said, ‘I want to believe.’ Wanting to believe sets a dangerous precedent. Here is why. When one wants to believe there are beings from other worlds, as well as, different beings who even reside on earth, they become open to being victimized from deceptive information that has no basis in truth.

This is one of the darkest aspects in researching ufology. There are so many who want to gain notoriety and financial gain with lies and even doctored pictures and videos. To wit, this, too fits the category of ‘nothing happening by accident’.


The reality of personal experiences with gods or deities has been documented for so long in history. Remember, what was mentioned at the article’s beginning? Nothing happens by accident. This includes what is construed as actual experiences or what was turned into mythology.

To many, religion is considered a man-made construction. Others believe religion is steeped in tradition from such a long time ago that it is almost impossible to comprehend. To this author, this is where faith comes to fruition. Without leaving the secular world, traditions and icons can be misunderstood, as well as, misused.

Faith is the belief and loyalty to something or someone (i.e. God, Supreme Being) that cannot be seen, but it is believed to be here in existence. Church is also something akin to a building where Christians go to worship. However, the term ‘church‘ has its roots in meaning assembly.


From the above comments on faith, this author would like to clarify faith. It has been apparent that faith transcends religion. Sometimes, it is confused with it.

Throughout history there have been many people in power who proclaimed to be religious and pious. Yet, their actions dictated a much different path. In so many cases, it boiled down to controlling populations. Often, the path taken was to procure wealth for themselves at the expense of their subjects. Take, for example, the Pharisees who ruled the synagogues in Israel. They went to the extent to wrest riches from wealthy widows, including homes, in the name of God.

So, for the record, this author sides with Jesus of Nazareth. Faith increases substantially from His teachings, statements, and actions. He was the one who called out the Pharisees and their evil deeds. Yes, none of this was an accident. He said He is returning. There, is faith incarnate. Count on it. That is the path this writer chooses. Faith. He is returning, as He promised.


As with the above segment on religion and faith, so it goes for science. It is the examination of reality. Sometimes, scientific research seems to bring more questions than answers, but it is real results of objective research, nonetheless.

Empirical studies bring about technological advancements, too. The advancement in space travel has brought about more wonderful inventions such as microwave ovens and Teflon. Since the end of the second world war, we have gone from test tubes in radios and television to solid state printed circuit boards with an ever-evolving development of micro-chips and memory systems.

Did this occur by accident? Nothing has. Now, quantum theory has turned into quantum mechanics. Yes, this has all developed from hard work and research. Has some of these inventions come from exotic devices such as other-worldly craft. Many say yes; it has, most certainly.


From the beginnings of human history there has been war. Some say it causes famines and pestilence. However, history shows that in many cases war came from famine, pestilence, and a lack of prosperity. In later years, it has brought about prosperity like never before. Until now.

At the end of WWII, something new came into view. It was the atomic bomb. Like, in the old Roman days where forms of biological warfare was undertaken (in the most rudimentary sense), mankind has looked to more exotic forms of destruction. They found it. The results were so devastating that the defense against it being used again, was how to build the most destructive force against a foe.

Thus, it came to pass the term, ‘mutually assured destruction’. Outside of a few ‘hot wars’ the end of the ‘cold war’ between the United States and the then ‘Soviet Union’ occurred with who’d go bankrupt first. When the USSR went bankrupt, the cold war ended. They recovered.

Now, especially in politics and many governmental leaderships, it is all about power.


The cold war also had its benefits. The space race had begun after the US and USSR split up German scientists at the end of the world war in 1945. Unbeknownst to most of the world public, Germany, Japan, Russia, and the United States were all very close to perfecting the atomic bomb. However, the US resources prevailed in completing the project first.

Russia launched Sputnik in 1957, followed in a few months with Echo from the United States. The rest was history. The US landed Apollo 11 on the moon on July 20, 1969. Then, the next phase of space exploration was the development of the first International Space Station.

Since then, a true collaboration of nations has come about. After the end of the US Space Shuttle program, Russia has been the primary source of transportation to date. Plans for a moon return with further plans to colonize Mars is underway. Also, privatization of space exploration is underway.


Nothing happens by accident, but, there is another term to consider: Figures often lie, but liars often figure. It is fact that something really messed up Neil A. Armstrong after his trip to the moon. But, what people may not remember today is that Armstrong, who piloted the lander to the moon was only seconds away from disaster.

Outside of simulators, no one had landed on the moon. Armstrong was almost out of propellant when he made the successful landing. And, he was the first to disembark with his famous statement: One small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.

This is a view of Neil A. Armstrong working outside the lunar lander on the moon.

Then, the conspiracies started about aliens on the moon. Neil A. Armstrong faded from sight (cliche; A.lien – Neil A. backwards). Journalists claim Buzz Aldrin said he talked about aliens. Nothing could be further from the truth according to others stating he was misquoted. Truth or a lie?


Although, this author has striven to be as brief as possible with an overview of why nothing happens by accident, the following must be mentioned. The Navy has released UFO footage from the encounters between pilots and other intelligently operated craft. The USS Nimitz recorded radar images of unknown craft in 2004. Now, much of what happened has been declassified.

Courtesy of To The Stars…Academy of Arts & Science, this was a chase pilot image of the ‘tic-tac’ craft that conducted incredible maneuvers.

According to radar personnel and pilot encounters, nothing happened by accident. In fact, recent reports state if more top secret information is released to the public, US national security could be seriously damaged. However, it does seem it is a case of ‘too little, too late’ as none of this was released by accident.

With the plethora of recorded accounts of various encounters and events over time, it is becoming apparent we are not alone in this universe.


Yes, it is true. Pure and simple. Just go to any dictionary and look up ‘God’. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition is this: The supreme or ultimate reality: such as, the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped (as in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism) as creator and ruler of the universe.

Now, let us examine the definition. Since, God is the creator and ruler of the universe, such as other connotations of Supreme Being, he is not from earth. He created it. Therefore, by definition, God (and by any other name) is an extraterrestrial. Hence, ‘angels’ are the same. So, are demons.

Finally, to put this one to rest, let us review the definition of extraterrestrial. Again, Merriam-Webster states: Originating, existing, or occurring outside the earth or its atmosphere; a being from another world. Hence, no matter how one views it; we are in no way alone. So, whether or not it is a matter of faith or experience (many have had direct experience), it is real. Well, that is, unless one is an atheist. That is another viewpoint. Also, it is another story.


Honestly, the title and subjects written here were meant to be published as a separate book. However, the nature of time, as well as, events unfolding on earth today has caused this writer to make a decision. The objective is for people to utilize critical thinking skills, now. It is a wake up call, which fits into the present domain of faith.

Certain areas of science, including genetic research, music, physics, and mathematics have common denominators. Of course, all this could be greatly expanded. But, essentially, time is of the essence. Nothing happens by accident. Evolution theorists claim we all came from a primordial goo and it happened by accident. It is called adaptation of the fittest. Poppy cock. Again, that is another story. There is a saying in the scientific community: A scientist first drinks from a glass as an atheist. Upon reaching the bottom of the glass he (or she) finds God.

Mathematics and music are so intertwined that, at times, many see them as the same. Genetics? Well, many who have studied and/or made a career from genetic research, see the intricacy of the building blocks of life is certainly no accident, at all. 


Sincerely, who doesn’t want to be happy? Also, who doesn’t want to be realistic? Well, here is the rub. Your happiness and the pursuit of it is under attack right now. Yes, it does boil down to ‘princes and principalities who are behind this. We are living in an ever-increasing technological age.

We are all bombarded with subliminal influences via multiple media networks. Why is this happening? It is all agenda-based. Nothing happens by accident. Whether, it is due to aspirations to fame and/or fortune, the information one is receiving is deliberate. Period. Stop and think about it for a few moments. In fact, take a holiday. Turn off all media and enjoy the silence. Take in the sunshine of reality. Look at the incredible beauty around us. Did a beautiful butterfly occur by accident? No, it was created. Somewhere, when the time came; so did the butterfly.

But, wait, there is more. How about the age-old statement: What came first, the chicken or the egg? Hey, guess what? It was the egg. It was created from genetic coding and materials that mapped the construction of the chicken. Of course, this is one author’s viewpoint. But, it is done so in the hopes to prosper more critical thinking. And, it can’t be done with video and audio blaring into the senses.


In the end, please stop and think about this. Truly, in mankind, we are all we have to make a prosperous and happy reality. Why is this not happening? Certainly, this is no accident. What are ones’ goals, ultimately? In classroom teaching, this writer created a workbook and taught professional development. The key word is happiness. If one is not pursuing it, what is wrong? Remember, we are the masters of our choices in life. If we are not, then we are slaves in life.

The purpose of giving does work. It is written and it is true. When we take, we lose. When we construct a life at the expense of others, we lose. Nothing happens by accident.

Stating, what happened is an accident is a guiltless way of admitting one screwed up. After all, we are human. To err is human. But, forgiveness and realizing its purpose is paramount to moving forward. Dwelling in self-pity and sorrow only brings more. Stand tall, but love with all the might we can. Don’t be a slave. Unfortunately, we are almost there. Wake up, please. It’s not over, yet.


As an afterthought, and without getting into too much detail; this is something very important to think about. No matter one’s persuasion, we live in the most unique country on earth; the United States.

Yes, this nation has its problems. And, it is no accident many people in power have their own agendas. Some of them are good. Some of them are evil. The root of most of the problems that exist today are power-based. My side is good. Your side is bad. BS.

Most people haven’t even read the Constitution. This is your lucky day. You get to read it, free, right here. Take the time to do so. This is one nation under God. There is nowhere else to go. Once you finish reading it, you will see something amazing. Look around. What you see is seen in a new light. We have an amazing nation. Free it from the present attempts at tyranny happening now.

So, who wants to be part of the solution and not the problem?

UNIVERSAL DIGEST is pleased to be a conduit for our contributing authors. We do not claim credit; we simply want to make it more available to the general public. And, the opinions of the authors are not necessarily the opinion or stance of this website.

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